Sunday, April 30, 2006

That's my boy!!!

People have told me that dogs are a reflection of their owners. So, I guess since I eat in front of the TV, Buddy thinks that is what he is supposed to do. I feed him in the kitchen, he then brings his bowl, fully loaded, into the living room and drops it in front of the TV.
Sometimes, when I come home, the bowl is in front of the TV and my pajamas have been drug into the living room. I really need to set a better example.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Dog Park Day

Here is Sadie patiently waiting for us to stop talking and get to the dog park.

What a great day to go to the dog park, of course, any day is a great day for the dog park, but it is the best when you get to go with friends!

OK, since this seems like kind of a set-up, pretend you don't think the other one is cute by always looking the opposite way.

Ya, like this too.

Well, OK if she is going to go over there, I better make sure she is OK and doesn't find any treats.

It's OK to get close to her when treats are involved.

Time to go home.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Gonzo and Oski's Picture

Gonzo was exploring today and found Oski's picture. She sat next to it for quite a while, tried looking over the back of it, pecked at it gently and then just sat next to it for the longest time. She just did not want to leave that spot. I wonder if she recognized him. She used to get rides on his back and loved watching him eat the birdseed she would throw down to him. And of course, there were all the rides crammed in the cab of the truck with Spaz and Oski, to Tahoe, to Ethan's house, to Marilyn's house. Good times! :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


The Golden Retreiver has an amazing ability to blend into any enviornment so he can get some much needed sleep. See how he miraculously blends into the bed. Look closly....

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Resting-Buddy's favorite thing to do

Buddy is actually playing with a TOY!!!!!!

I am so proud!

What's that? A bee....hmmm, wonder if that is a toy......

What I learned in kindergarden:


(although I hardly think this is a trick. I do this all day.)

All I hope is that we do not have to sit next to that 12-week old pug that kept chasing my tail last week. How am I supposed to pay attention with that going on?