Sunday, April 30, 2006

That's my boy!!!

People have told me that dogs are a reflection of their owners. So, I guess since I eat in front of the TV, Buddy thinks that is what he is supposed to do. I feed him in the kitchen, he then brings his bowl, fully loaded, into the living room and drops it in front of the TV.
Sometimes, when I come home, the bowl is in front of the TV and my pajamas have been drug into the living room. I really need to set a better example.


At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good plan! If mom gets crumbs everywhere, she has to vacuum. If you dribble, you can get rid of the evidence in just a few quick licks!When you come over to my house, you will have to eat your dinner, downstairs in the kitchen, but I will provide you with TV snacks, upstairs in the family room...would you like butter and salt with your pop corn? HUGS AK

At 5:09 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

So I guess not only will we learn about Buddy through this blog, but about YOU! Ha, better watch what you write!


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