Saturday, January 06, 2007


I finally did something blog-worthy.... I went to a very cool exibit in SF of the Titanic. It was incredibly surreal. Above is my boarding pass along with information on the passenger I was. The exhibit was set up so that some rooms were replicas of the rooms of the ship, or you would walk down a hallway that was the hallway where you would go to find your cabin. Kinda creepy, but very cool. I kept expecting a ton of water to start shooting down the hallway. They played music of the time period as you went into different rooms in the beginning. As you went further into the exibit you heard subtle creaky, steamy ship-type of noises. In one room, there was a light that illuminated the floor in the shape of a lifeboat, actual size with the outline of where the benches were so you could stand in the shape and imagine what it had been like with other people in it. There was a huge iceburg in one room that you could touch and there was a sign that said that salt water freezes colder than the temperature of the iceburg, 28 degrees I think. Cold is cold when you are talking about being in the ocean at midnight.

A huge chunk of the hull of the ship was there. It was amazing. 30,000 pounds. It was as wide as 2 cabin rooms and a bathroom. It was incredible the amazing condition most of the things on display from the actual ship. Leather suitcases, china, jewelry, purses made of fine gold link mesh chain, clothes, shoes, eyeglasses as well as pieces of the ship itself. There were a pair of binoculars that could not be found the night of the accident so the crew could not see the damage. Kinda ironic. Just like the safe that said it was fireproof.

Towards the end of the exhibit, there was a list of names of passengers who survived and those who did not so you could look up the name of the passenger whose boarding pass you had. I survived. Shelby was a singer from first class whose boyfriend survived, but she did not. Hmmm. Jill was in 2nd class with me and she was a mom who survived with her kids. Weird thing about my "passenger" was that my mom's name was Elizabeth and my dad lived in East Orange, New Jersey. Elizabeth had suffered terrible tradegies in her life, kinda like someone else I know. Oh, and I just looked her up on Google and she died 2 weeks before I was born. Her only son died the same year as my mom, on my mom and dad's anniversary. Too weird.

If the show comes to your town, definitely go see it. You will be amazed at what you see!!!

Oh, and I bought this towel. It was just TOO cool.