Here is a look back at Halloween, 2006....

Staring me as a pirate, Will as a Frito Lay Guy, Jon as a character from Monty Python that I still don't remember and Tony working his night job.

Proof that if you make that face when you are a kid it will stay that way your whole life.

Sonny and Cher. Cher was wearing a fabulous Bob Makee number that he (yes he) found at the Goodwill earlier that day for an astonishing $7.

It's not Halloween till a Superhero sings Karioke to "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zepplin.

Lord, and especially Steve Irwin, please forgive us for these costumes.

And yes, what would Halloween be without Captain Kirk (owner of the Star Wars action figures shown below), the Crocodile Hunter and Elf. The crocodile hunter did not spill a drop of blood in the house the whole night. Crikey mate!!